
Families have overpaid £1.2 Billion in Inheritance tax
Inheritance Tax is a tax on the estate (the property, money and possessions) of someone who’s died. Married couples can, with proper planning, pass on …
Digital Assets
What happens to my iTunes account when I die? Today’s world is a world that is very much reliant on technology. Technology and online accounts a …
Test Case for Business Interruption Insurance
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has succeeded in its appeal to the Supreme Court in its test case seeking urgent clarity as to the requirement o …
Can I leave my estate to anyone I wish?
It used to be a principle of UK law that we were free to leave our estates on our deaths to anyone we chose. However, legislation passed in 1975 chang …
How to witness a will by video
The government has announced legislation reforms, albeit temporary, to allow for wills to be witnessed and executed via video link software, such as Z …
Contesting a Will on the grounds of ‘knowledge and approval’
What is meant by ‘knowledge and approval’ when contesting the validity of a will? For a will to be valid, the person making the Will (“the Testator”), …
What’s the point in having a Will if your loved ones can’t find it?
It goes without saying that preparing a Will is crucial in ensuring your wishes are complied with when you die. However, any such Will is useless if n …
The Lasting Power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a document that allows a person to appoint trusted individuals to make important decisions about care and finances on t …
Covid-19 Measures to support business
Following an increase in the spread of Coronavirus across the UK, on 24 March 2020 the government instigated a lockdown. People are now only able to l …
COVID-19: Our plan
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for everyone. We have made a number of changes to our working methods to ensu …
Covid-19 cancellation and suspension of contracts
The World has changed. Worrying about Brexit and freedom of movement seems like a distant memory. The pubs were closed in Dublin on St. Patrick’s day. …
Climate Change and Business
An evaluation of some challenges that climate-related risks will create for businesses and the officers controlling them. Climate change has become on …