Our fees cover all of the work* required to complete the Sale of your home.
Property Value | Approximate Legal Fees (exclusive of VAT) |
£0-£749,999 | Minimum £2,000 |
£750,000-£2,500,000 | Between £2,750 and £4,750 |
£2,500,000 plus | Minimum 0.25% of sale price |
*These fees vary from property to property and can on occasion be significantly more than the ranges given above depending on the complexity of the transaction. We can give you a more accurate figure once we have sight of your detailed particulars of the matter.
Conveyancer’s Disbursements
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. Typical disbursements involved with the sale of your property will include as an example, obtaining title deeds and official copies for the property this may cost in the region of £7-£30.
If you are selling through an estate agent, the agent will require a fee to be paid on completion of the sale. The fee is usually a percentage of the sale price although this may vary
It is also likely that a management pack will need be obtained from the Landlord or management company. This may cost between £200-£400.
(If applicable there may be additional disbursements and associated costs payable to the Landlords solicitors in relation to a licence to assign)
How long will my property sale take?
How long it will take from acceptance of an offer to competition depends on several factors. The average process takes between 6-8 weeks.
It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. As well as any complications that may arise.
Stages of the process
The precise stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. However, the following are key steps that are likely to occur:
- Take your instructions and give you initial advice.
- Completion of a fittings and contents form and property information form(s).
- Obtain title deeds and official copies of title, as well as details of any amount outstanding on any existing mortgage (which may include an early redemption fee).
- Preparation of draft contract and supporting contractual documentation to send to Buyer’s solicitors.
- Answer of all pre-contract enquiries.
- Send final contract to you for signature.
- Agree completion date.
- Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened.
- Check the transfer deed and send to yourself for signature if applicable.
- Preparation of completion/financial statement.
- Complete sale – to include payment of all fees and disbursements.
Factors which may increase cost:
Should you require an expedited exchange of contracts within 15 working days there would be an additional fee of £300.00 plus VAT to reflect the extra work involved in order to try and achieve this. If your matter requires a large amount of email or telephone correspondence we may also be required to increase our fees.
The following will also attract additional fees and estimate of which is given below:
- Rent Deposit Deed – £200 plus VAT.
- Licence to Assign – £250 plus VAT.
- Exclusivity Agreement – £500 plus VAT.
- Deed of Covenant – £350 plus VAT.
- Declaration of Trust – £350 plus VAT.
- Deed of Variation £350 plus VAT.
The individuals who may carry out this work include:
Name: | Position: | Hourly Rate excluding VAT (£): | Date qualified as a solicitor or other status: |
Tom Marshall | Member Partner | £355 | 15/11/06 |
David Williams | Senior Solicitor and Head of Residential Property | £325 | 18/04/95 |
Rebecca Gowing | Partner | £325 | 01/04/11 |
Lucy Stockill | Trainee Solicitor | £165 | Trainee Solicitor |
References to “VAT” is to Value Added Tax at the standard rate which is currently 20%. Disbursements may also be subject to VAT.
For further information on any member of our team please visit our Team page.