Powers of

Powers of Attorney are documents in which you authorise someone else (an Attorney) to be able to make decisions on your behalf.
It is our belief that every adult should consider having a power of attorney in place, in order to allow their finances, property and health care decisions to be dealt with in the event of serious accident, long term sickness or mental incapacity.
We can provide you with advice as to the following types of Power of Attorney;
Lasting Powers Of Attorney (LPA);
Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA) – before October 2007;
General Powers of Attorney.
Lasting Powers of Attorney can be used to delegate authority to make decisions about property and financial matters and/or the ability to make decisions about health and welfare. Should you lose mental capacity without having a power of attorney in place, then no one will have automatic authority to manage your affairs, and would be required to apply to the Court of Protection to be appointed as your Deputy.
We advise on the whole process of creating LPAs including the merits of putting LPAs in place, who should be appointed to act as your attorney, how forms should be drafted and what should be included and left you, the registration of the forms with the Office of the Public Guardian and the duties and responsibilities of the Attorneys.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a document that allows a person to appoint trusted individuals to make important decisions …
Christopher Seddon Senior Solicitor and Head of Wealth Management and Estate Planning 01483 796008 cseddon@cheyneygoulding.co.uk
Edward Pennington Senior Solicitor 01483 796007 epennington@cheyneygoulding.co.uk
Ward House, 6 Ward Street,
Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LH

Contact Cheyney Goulding LLP, solicitors in Guildford
To contact Cheyney Goulding, submit our online form below, email us directly at legal@cheyneygoulding.co.uk,
or call us on 01483 56 76 76

Cheyney Goulding LLP
Ward House, 6 Ward Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LH
Tel: 01483 56 76 76
Fax: +44(0)1483 30 05 38