and Lease Extensions

Our experienced team can provide a full range of services in this area, including:
- Lease surrenders, renewals, and variations
- Lease extensions of flats (individual or multiple)
- Collective enfranchisement
Lease surrenders, renewals and variations
The surrender of a lease is an agreement between the tenant and their immediate landlord resulting in the termination of the lease.
We can also advise on renewing short term leases or on varying existing lease terms.
Lease Extensions
We are experienced in dealing with all lease extensions. Residential long leaseholders have a statutory right (in certain circumstances) to obtain a new lease for a price. Most lease extensions will involve the payment of a premium to the landlord which is an additional sum of money to compensate them for granting a longer term and therefore reducing their interest in the property.
On purchasing a leasehold property many mortgage lenders require the lease term to be of a certain length or they will not grant a mortgage. This would mean that you would need to agree an extension of the lease before you can go ahead with your purchase. We can assist you as the buyer in extending the lease term we can also assist you as the seller in extending the same in readiness for sale.
Collective Enfranchisement
Tenants of flats with long leases have the right, where certain conditions are satisfied, to act together to acquire the freehold of their building.
We will guide you through what can be a complex and confusing area of law, explaining and advising on the procedural requirements, and working with you to manage the process as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.
David Williams Senior Solicitor and Head of Property 01483 943820 dwilliams@cheyneygoulding.co.uk
Ward House, 6 Ward Street,
Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LH

Contact Cheyney Goulding LLP, solicitors in Guildford
To contact Cheyney Goulding, submit our online form below, email us directly at legal@cheyneygoulding.co.uk,
or call us on 01483 56 76 76

Cheyney Goulding LLP
Ward House, 6 Ward Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LH
Tel: 01483 56 76 76
Fax: +44(0)1483 30 05 38